Alex Smith

September 27, 2020
Alex Smith

My father is the life of the party. Always ready to have a good time and can talk to a brick wall. I am his baby who is always right behind him, ready to have a good time just a little more quiet than him. We love going to dinner, concerts, bars, the horse track, Yankee games… you name it.

My father was just recently diagnosed with EOA at the age of 64. We noticed things were wrong with his writing and small motor skills. He lost his golf game which devastated him. First, he was diagnosed with cataracts which were supposed to be an easy fix. More tests later we had the official diagnosis. Life hasn’t changed too much. Small things we notice every day but luckily his memory is still intact. He has trouble getting his words out and depth perception. As of right now, I cannot give any advice as I am searching for it myself. I am in a tough spot and just looking for support.

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