Mom and I have shared so many memories that I simply cannot narrow it down to one. The disease took away mom’s ability to be there for my kids’ weddings. It took away the traveling that she should have been able to do after retiring. It took away fishing trips and gardening and, most preciously to her, playing the piano. Advice: Never give up. Keep visiting. Keep serving. Keep loving. Keep fighting to #EndALZ. I would like the world to know that my mom, my uncle and my late grandma all struggle(d) with this disease, and this fact along with mom’s example has turned me into a lifetime advocate. Let your experience prompt you to fight this disease harder! I write a daily blog called Digital Cornbread that tells her story and offers tips and I work for a non-profit serving seniors. The time of inactivity is over. For mom and for the 5.8 million in America struggling every day!
Mom is an advocate and always has been. She has played the piano for 60+ years and has a tremendous sense of humor. We love to laugh together…
Mom and I have shared so many memories that I simply cannot narrow it down to one. The disease took away mom’s ability to be there for my kids’ weddings. It took away the traveling that she should have been able to do after retiring. It took away fishing trips and gardening and, most preciously to her, playing the piano. Advice: Never give up. Keep visiting. Keep serving. Keep loving. Keep fighting to #EndALZ. I would like the world to know that my mom, my uncle and my late grandma all struggle(d) with this disease, and this fact along with mom’s example has turned me into a lifetime advocate. Let your experience prompt you to fight this disease harder! I write a daily blog called Digital Cornbread that tells her story and offers tips and I work for a non-profit serving seniors. The time of inactivity is over. For mom and for the 5.8 million in America struggling every day!
Mom is an advocate and always has been. She has played the piano for 60+ years and has a tremendous sense of humor. We love to laugh together…